Quotes from <>

Chapter 2 The ties that bind The victimization of the transmigrants in Aceh was an extreme case of local dissatisfaction. But even where transmigrants rubbed along well enough with their…

Miscellaneous Quotes

鲁迅说:到了一定年龄 必须扔掉四样东西: 没意义的酒局,不爱你的人 看不起你的亲戚,虚情假义的朋友; 必须拥有四样东西: 扬在脸上的自信,长在心里的善良 融进血液的骨气,刻在生命里的坚强…… Elegant people are to be found in Paris. People of character may exist in the provinces. -Sieyes “The higher you lift yourself towards…