My Happy Marriage Trailer
An unhappy young woman from an abusive family is married off to a fearsome and chilly army commander. But the two learn more about each other, love may have a…
Crumbs | Short Horror Film – Deformed Lunchbox
After his mother remarries an abusive man, a young boy meets an imaginary and violent clown who helps solve his problems. Watch the horror film ‘Crumbs’ now! And for more…
The larger meaning of the Hollywood strike Friends, It’s tempting to view the strike underway by Hollywood writers and TV and film actors against the studios as a war between wealthy Hollywood elites. But that’s not…
Can you include song lyrics in your screenplay? Every film or television producer, or consultant, it seems is regularly asked this question: “Can I include song lyrics in my screenplay?” There are two schools of thought as…
Joel Coen’s “The Tragedy of Macbeth”, Reviewed by Ethan Coen In The Tragedy of Macbeth, long-time Hollywood presence Joel Coen — who has 18 prior filmsto his credit — takes sole creative control of a project for the first…