Epicentar: Suze i Krv / Epicenter: Tears and Blood . poezija.poetry
Suze i Krv Diverzant je iskoristio priliku, odradio je posao i nestao je u šipražju, Lutkar je zatvorio radnju, lutke više niko nije hteo da kupuje, Otvoren je simpozijum koji…
Technology, Politics, Businness, Entertainment
Suze i Krv Diverzant je iskoristio priliku, odradio je posao i nestao je u šipražju, Lutkar je zatvorio radnju, lutke više niko nije hteo da kupuje, Otvoren je simpozijum koji…
https://fukan.my/2023/03/%E4%BB%85%E6%88%91%E5%8F%AF%E8%A7%81%E7%9A%84%E4%B8%80%E7%BC%95%E5%85%89/ 曦初苒 致:我的老白, 据说,这世界的每个人都仅有千万分之一的几率可以遇见那与之相守共白偕的人。茫茫人海中要找寻一个喜欢的人,难;找到一个相互爱慕的人,更难。 而我,何其有幸,能够遇见你。 也许是……我上辈子拯救了银河系吧! 从前,我以为那一眼容貌的惊艳,是心动;我以为那一瞬间的心律不齐,是喜欢。 直至,我遇上了平凡的你。 直至,我在上课发呆的时候提笔在课本上无意识写下你名字的那瞬间。
https://3quarksdaily.com/3quarksdaily/2023/02/friday-poem-337.html The body goes on in the worldabout its business of escapingfrom Alcatraz and you are eyes seeing the convertible, the driver,the bridge, and Agnes – and youare the gravelly…
“Once upon a time, there was a boy. He lived in a village that no longer exists, in a house that no longer exists, on the edge of a field…
Molly Ringwald at The New Yorker: Before we started filming, I asked someone from the production team when I would meet makeup, hair, and wardrobe, and was told that I…
How on earth did it happen, I used to wonderthat a whole city—arches, pillars, colonnades,not to mention vehicles and animals—had allone fine day gone under? I mean, I said to…
The Hanging Of The Crane The lights are out, and gone are all the guests That thronging came with merriment and jests To celebrate the Hanging of the Crane In…
1. Our wireless to Moscow has broken down, the Comintern orders crackle and pop. and splutter in senseless fury, unable to instruct us in China. We meet in the deserted…
Your presence rises from scavenging: pages and wordsand webs and signs. You’ve become a target but withoutthe old spy store gadgets. I’d like to know what you know,not just your…
Snow Mountains & The Death Of One Child, June 1935 after the hell of the Dadu River we approach the Snow Mountains peaks of 15,000 and the loss of both…