Inktober Buddy
this is my drawing of the tenor saxophonist ‘BUDDY’ Tate.very important figure in the jazz idiom.played along with the greats, such as Lionel Hampton, Roy Eldridge and many more…plus his…
Technology, Politics, Businness, Entertainment
this is my drawing of the tenor saxophonist ‘BUDDY’ Tate.very important figure in the jazz idiom.played along with the greats, such as Lionel Hampton, Roy Eldridge and many more…plus his… 自己主動給對方台階下,說明你為對方做的事並不是特別費功夫或者也就是順手一做,自己主動減輕對方的心理壓力,無疑更讓對方舒服。 Todd Skyler Litigated cases in which aspects of NPD and BPD impacted subject matter of disputed legal issues, secured psychologists and psychiatrists discovery depositions in prep for same. ==============…
Banyan, (Ficus benghalensis), also called Indian banyan or banyan fig, unusually shaped tree of the mulberry family (Moraceae) native to the Indian subcontinent. The banyan reaches a height up to… 太宰治在《人間失格》中說: “我的不幸,在於我缺乏拒絕的能力。 我害怕一旦拒絕別人,就會在彼此心裡留下難以癒合的裂痕。” “拒絕”二字,說出來就帶著一股冷漠和絕情的意味。 直接拒絕對方的人,也會被扣上“情商低”、“不會好好說話”的帽子。 久而久之,“委婉拒絕”成了成年人心照不宣的社交規則。
Today, Karen O and Willie Nelson unveiled their cover of the iconic David Bowie and Queen classic “Under Pressure.” Thematically, it’s a song for our pressure-filled times. But this version…