@larsiusprime https://twitter.com/larsiusprime/status/1344404336252768257 To this day, I am super mad at all the people who put for the codswallop that HTML5 was this perfect replacement for Flash. It’s been 10 years…
Technology, Politics, Businness, Entertainment
@larsiusprime https://twitter.com/larsiusprime/status/1344404336252768257 To this day, I am super mad at all the people who put for the codswallop that HTML5 was this perfect replacement for Flash. It’s been 10 years…
Please subscribe to my channel●A-tan has her Twitter account.https://www.twitter.com/@_tanccc●A-tan has her Instagram accountPlease follow herhttps://www.instagram.com/chanchanchannel2020●A-tan has her TikTok accountPlease follow herhttp://www.tiktok.com/@chanchanchannel2020
https://oll.libertyfund.org/quote/559?fbclid=IwAR3J5KBmU8I5d3jKFIv1o6uD3OYxHaTeCou-3jpVFOcDYyC-861s1dhNKzs A political reading of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 94 (1609) is that he admires the ruler who has the “power to hurt and will do none”. A ruler who follows this…
https://oll.libertyfund.org/quote/548?fbclid=IwAR2Mj05HDOp4hgq-tad5JSpE_CNSl7p2_zS6-hxAFMePgp1oi4V2GKWekGo The political theorist Anthony de Jasay (1925-) believes that interest groups (made up of “predators” and free-riding “parasites”) will continue to proliferate in the modern state given its current…
http://www.rts36.com/article.php?id=69421&fbclid=IwAR3RaM_d4uOFjnvoaRHnZDK1HfEq6Q5nw1qJ2bLl07GH5WncsHDBn0Ryuog 2011年初,有一位美籍華裔母親火了。 倒不是因為孩子有多優秀可愛,而是這位母親出版的一部自傳式作品《虎媽戰歌》。 出版後,《虎媽戰歌》連續數月登上美國暢銷書榜首,虎媽本人蔡美兒也登上了《時代雜誌》封面。 當傳統華裔嚴苛的教育方法,運用到美國孩子身上,引發了無數美國家長和專家的討論和質疑。 大家最無法容忍的,便要屬蔡美兒立下的十條家規了 不准夜不歸宿; 不准參加學校的小組娛樂活動; 不准看電視或玩電子遊戲;
A live version of "As Life Slides By" composed by Andy Watts - footage and audio from our final rehearsal before we hit the studio for our album session.
On 10 November 2010, Professor Brian Kernighan (the K in K&R) of Princeton University returned to CS50 for a lecture on "numeric self defense." (Brian taught CS50 at Harvard University…
by David Oates We are entering the aftermath. Two of the most epic and wrenching struggles in American history are finally playing out to their conclusions. At last we see…