Month: April 2022

Amos Lee – Worry No More

"Worry No More" from the new album Dreamland, out February 11 2022. Pre-order limited-edition vinyl and more at Director/DP: George Mays Producer: George Mays Casting Director / Co-Producer -…

向特立独行之人学习 小泥 几年前逛书店,家人表示想买《走一条与世界不合拍的道路》。我随手翻翻,深受首篇人物罗桑·伦巴的故事吸引,就买回家慢慢阅读。 现今读者或许没听过罗桑.伦巴。但在二十世纪中叶,罗桑.伦巴的著作《第三只眼》,光在英国两年就卖了三十万本,为当时的超级畅销书。罗桑·伦巴表示《第三只眼》是自传,他在拉萨长大,七岁被送到喇嘛寺研习佛理,并在痛苦的颅骨手术之后,打开了额头上的「第三只眼」,因而获得精神力量。 《第三只眼》纪录了罗桑·伦巴早年一连串的奇妙际遇。

France analysis of the day Macron had promised to reduce state spending — then a record at more than 56 per cent of gross domestic product — by about 5 percentage points. Instead, under…