Colorado Majesty
Rachel Brokaw “Climb the mountains and get their goodtidings. Nature's peace will flow into youas sunshine flows into trees. The windswill blow their own freshness into you,and the storms their…
Technology, Politics, Businness, Entertainment
Rachel Brokaw “Climb the mountains and get their goodtidings. Nature's peace will flow into youas sunshine flows into trees. The windswill blow their own freshness into you,and the storms their… Tim Adams in The Guardian: Lockdown was, among other things, a sudden collective experiment in volume control. Sound waves from the regular rush-hour thrum of cities usually penetrate more… Published on April 28, 2022 Status is reachable Jason Hsu Founder & CIO at Rayliant Global Advisors (銳聯財智) / Portfolio Manager of Rayliant ETFs: $RAYC and $RAYE 31 articles…
Mark Hunter One of the planets most active pollinators. As we approach Earth Day it seems incredible that the use of pesticides deadly to bees is still permitted in much… Over the years, we have all heard pundits on the Left and Right promote the Model Minority myth about Asian-Americans, both immigrant and native born. The basic talking point…
"Worry No More" from the new album Dreamland, out February 11 2022. Pre-order limited-edition vinyl and more at Director/DP: George Mays Producer: George Mays Casting Director / Co-Producer -… 小泥 几年前逛书店,家人表示想买《走一条与世界不合拍的道路》。我随手翻翻,深受首篇人物罗桑·伦巴的故事吸引,就买回家慢慢阅读。 现今读者或许没听过罗桑.伦巴。但在二十世纪中叶,罗桑.伦巴的著作《第三只眼》,光在英国两年就卖了三十万本,为当时的超级畅销书。罗桑·伦巴表示《第三只眼》是自传,他在拉萨长大,七岁被送到喇嘛寺研习佛理,并在痛苦的颅骨手术之后,打开了额头上的「第三只眼」,因而获得精神力量。 《第三只眼》纪录了罗桑·伦巴早年一连串的奇妙际遇。 Macron had promised to reduce state spending — then a record at more than 56 per cent of gross domestic product — by about 5 percentage points. Instead, under…
Arnaud Chatelet C'est ici, à travers les nuages caressant la grande dame de fer, que nos coeurs ont battu à l'unisson...Tu es toujours là, illuminant mon âme © All…
An Image of Rumi having a religious dispute: Persian Painting, particularly from the Safavid Renaissance, is one of the notable exceptions to the ban on human depiction, or aniconism, dominant…