I do not love you…
I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,in…
Technology, Politics, Businness, Entertainment
I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,in…
https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/09/academics-are-really-really-worried-about-their-freedom/615724/ Some fear for their career because they don’t believe progressive orthodoxies. ur national reckoning on race has brought to the fore a loose but committed assemblage of people given…
At 1 am, most people are asleep, but it’s when Chen Chen’s team is most busy. They look after the “veins” of the city and make sure there are no…
https://www.sixthtone.com/news/1006078/modern-ai-love-and-socialism-in-republican-china Although most often linked to Christianity, early 20th century political leaders like Sun Yat-sen imbued the concept of “universal love” with decidedly radical meaning. This is the second in…
https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/77914/since-911-the-governments-answer-to-every-problem-has-been-more.html Source: John W. Whitehead “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.”—Anonymous Have you noticed…
(呂富枝) 明倫月刊 蔡襄。知泉州。距州二十里。萬安渡。絕海而濟。往來畏其險。襄立石為梁。長三百六十丈。種蠣於礎。以為固。至今賴焉。植松七百里。以庇道路。閩人刻碑紀德。召為翰林學士。卒諡忠惠。(蔡襄傳) 蔡襄宋朝仙遊(今福建省莆田縣西)人,字君謨,為人忠實耿直,擅長詩文、書法,通明史事,有辦政才幹。累官知諫院,直史館,又曾歷任開封府、福州、泉州、杭州知官。 當時洛陽江靠近海邊,設有船隻往來渡江,但常遇風浪,旅客慘遭翻船溺死者,不計其數。宋真宗大中年間,有一船隻,也遇到風浪,當船將要翻覆時,忽然聽到空中傳來聲音說:「不要傷害蔡學士!不要傷害蔡學士!」風浪竟然頓時平息,事後詢問船中旅客,只有一位蔡姓太太,正懷有身孕,大家認為這胎兒一定是個貴子,婦人便對天發誓說:「如果我腹中兒子,將來能當學士,必定造一座長橋,幫助便利往來行人,以免後人受此驚險恐怖。……」 後來婦人所生兒子就是蔡襄,仁宗天聖年間,果然高中狀元,當他任泉州知官時,其母催促他建造洛陽長橋,以償誓願。距離泉州二十里地處萬安渡,行人往來非常驚險,蔡襄想到水深不可測度,海水浪潮又時常湧來,怎能興動工程,於是寫一封書信,投入海中呈給海神,由於至誠所感,竟得一封回信,打開一看,只見上面寫著「醋」字,「醋」析字成「廿一日酉」時,蔡襄恍然悟到說:「莫非海神命我廿一日酉時興工?」於是一切準備妥善,時日一到,海潮果然退去,泥沙擁積一丈多高,連續八天,海潮不來,蔡襄督導興工,立起石梁,種下粗磨石在柱下,增加梁柱安穩堅固,於是長三百六十丈的長橋,果然順利完成,這座橋因而名叫萬安橋,又名洛陽橋,迄今仍然存在,便利行人。蔡襄又種植松樹七百里,廣為庇蔭道路行人,州民莫不感恩頌德,於是建立石碑,留傳後世,永遠紀念蔡襄的大恩大德。後來朝廷召蔡襄為翰林學士,去世後賜諡號忠惠。 ※試觀蔡母,自己遭到驚險危難,便能推想到他人,因而發大善願,建築長橋,造福世人。此事若非有福德之人,何能如此?有福德之母,必有福德之子,蔡襄稟承慈母之誓願,一心要建造一座萬民受益之長橋,工程雖然艱鉅,然而精誠所至金石為開,終於感格吉神幫助,善願果然成就。補白:人以品為重,若有一點卑污之心,便非頂天立地漢子。品以行為主,若有一件愧怍之事,即非泰山北斗宏儀。
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It is not because I’m scared, nor pessimistic,…. nor have a coward’s heart,But, whenever I’m forced into a warI think about it this way:If anyone is going to dieThen it…