The Unbearable Lightness of China
Kishore Mahbubani’s new book argues that China’s rejuvenation is not driven by missionary impulse, a fact a flagging US refuses to see Pepe ESCOBAR As a living embodiment of how…
Technology, Politics, Businness, Entertainment
Kishore Mahbubani’s new book argues that China’s rejuvenation is not driven by missionary impulse, a fact a flagging US refuses to see Pepe ESCOBAR As a living embodiment of how… 俗話說:起起落落才是人生。每個人面前,都有無數座高聳的山峰,唯有翻過去,才能夠看到山那邊的風景,但是翻過一座山,就要走下坡路,然後面對下一座山峰。勇敢的人,都知道,身處低谷的時候,就是崛起的開始,並沒有什麼好怕。只有軟弱的人,才一直待在低谷裡,活得越來越迷茫,卻心安理得。 一個人之所以能夠成大器,是因為他走的上坡路多一些,走下坡路要少一些,因為人生越走越遠,越登越高。一個人走上坡路,從來不是靠別人抬著走,也不總是走別人的老路,往往是另闢蹊徑,硬生生闖出一條路來。 一個人開始走上坡路時,往往擁有了以下這五種能力,看看你有沒有?如果你能夠擁有,也能夠成大器。
Before Marx socialism was a sort of voluntary wish thing, no doubt growing out of Protestant fantasies of life in early Christianity when everything was supposedly shared. There were a… Throughout his career, Nassim Taleb has always demonstrated an uncanny gift for good timing. The publication of his book “The Black Swan”, in 2007, immediately preceded the financial crisis…
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