Category: Technology

Compiling Gopeed

PS C:\Repos\Github\gopeed\bind\desktop> go build -tags nosqlite -ldflags="-w -s" -buildmode=c-shared -o ui/flutter/windows/libgopeed.dll go: downloading v1.3.1 go: downloading v1.0.0 PS C:\Repos\Github\gopeed\bind\desktop> cd .. PS C:\Repos\Github\gopeed\bind> cd .. PS C:\Repos\Github\gopeed> cd…

Connections Hackathon

tonykipDeveloper Relations @Streamlit 7h Announcing the Streamlit Connections Hackathon Copy of Streamlit Connections Contest (1)1200×1200 60 KB Configuring data connections can be one of the most frustrating and time-consuming parts…


VCs (heart) AI: Investors pour billions into generative AI startups like Alphabet’s new darling Alphasense. Controlled Discord: Messaging app popular with teens adds parental controls. AI isn’t killing jobs ……