The Psychic’s Memoirs, by Ryan Hyatt
In The Psychic’s Memoirs, Ted Kaza, a hot-tempered Los Angeles detective, and Lydia Jackson, his distracted partner, are assigned to find Alice Walker, an alleged teenage psychic whose capture might…
Technology, Politics, Businness, Entertainment
In The Psychic’s Memoirs, Ted Kaza, a hot-tempered Los Angeles detective, and Lydia Jackson, his distracted partner, are assigned to find Alice Walker, an alleged teenage psychic whose capture might… That is the new and excellent book by Richard Van Emden, and it covers how the British bureaucracy handled the reporting and identification of soldier corpses during and after…
About The Girl Who Found the Sun It started with the insects. The mass die-offs had been a warning unheeded. Before society realized the danger, the Earth had inexorably begun… Throughout his career, Nassim Taleb has always demonstrated an uncanny gift for good timing. The publication of his book “The Black Swan”, in 2007, immediately preceded the financial crisis…
After finishing the book Armageddon Complex by Richard Godwin, Close To The Bone publishing has sent me another book “A TIme For Violence: Stories with an Edge” for review. To…
Artificial Intelligence Fan Novel Book 2 Chapter 8 Where The Lions Weep.
Mirrored from Volume 1 – Benjamin Franklin, John Woolman, William Penn Volume 2 – Plato, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius Volume 3 – Bacon, Milton’s Prose, Thomas Browne Volume 4 –…