“Man is the only animal for whom its existence is a problem which he has to solve.” – Erich Fromm
What is the meaning of the color red?
A silly question to ask first thing on a Monday morning, I know.
Or at any time, for that matter, because we all know that red is the meaning of red.
It’s an absolute:
It has no meaning until given meaning, in the form of paintings and fabrics and bird’s wings and colourful meals and whatever else reality can dream up.
Or, we could say the “meaning” of red is to create meaning.
So why am I talking all fancy about the meaning of red first thing on a Monday morning?
Because it’s Monday morning:
The start of a new week of striking out into the world, trying to make our lives mean something.
And to truly make our lives mean something, first we need to answer the big, scary question that most are afraid to ask:
What is the meaning of life?
But it’s not such a big, scary question, is it?
It’s actually quite simple:
Like the color red, “life” is an absolute:
It has no meaning until we give it meaning.
We are the artist, and life is the canvas we use to create whatever meaning we can dream up.
As Joseph Campbell said…
“Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.”
In other words, the meaning of life is totally up to you.
Creative control is in your hands.
What will you do with it, this week?
- T
P.S. The first few minutes of this interview with music legend Rick Rubin pairs perfectly with today’s lesson.
(you may even want to check out his book, The Creative Act… a recent favorite of mine)