André Rieu – The Beautiful Blue Danube
André Rieu & his Johann Strauss Orchestra playing "The Beautiful Blue Danube" (An der schönen blauen Donau) by composer Johann Strauss II. Recorded live at Empress Sisi's castle; Schönbrunn Palace…
Technology, Politics, Businness, Entertainment
André Rieu & his Johann Strauss Orchestra playing "The Beautiful Blue Danube" (An der schönen blauen Donau) by composer Johann Strauss II. Recorded live at Empress Sisi's castle; Schönbrunn Palace… 我的一位朋友,不久前被公司裁了。他已經年近40歲,身體多病,手頭也沒什麼積蓄,一時間內憂外患。 一天,他跟我說,他恐怕是得抑鬱症了。我勸他趕緊去就醫,他又說,怕醫生真的診斷他是得了抑鬱症⋯⋯ 一時之間,我竟不知說什麼好,說什麼都顯得敷衍。 痛苦是自己的,發生在誰身上便是誰的,說理解,說感同身受,其實都隔著一層。
http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.ed... "Richard Phillips Feynman (May 11, 1918 – February 15, 1988) was an American theoretical physicist known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory…
In the past three lessons you flew through tasks big and small. By now you should feel confident in being able to return any data you wish in almost any… Dreading returning to the corporate environment? Take some advice from the brethren who lived, worked and died with their colleagues Over the past year many of us have sat… 有一位老師傅,用相同的材料做了三個杯子: 一個裝淤泥,人們敬而遠之;一個裝清水,大家樂於用著它;一個裝紅酒,眾人不自覺地品著。 相同的杯子,因為所裝東西的不同,命運也截然不同。 人生亦如此,有什麼樣的心,便有什麼樣的人生;有什麼樣的想法,便有什麼樣的生活! 因為一個人的所見所思所想,皆來自自己的內心。 By Vanessa Zoltan July 12, 2021 Frederick Walker, A.R.A., Rochester and Jane Eyre, 1899. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons The summer that I did my chaplaincy internship was a… 曾經有人說,成年人最怕的,是翻看凌晨三四點鐘的朋友圈。 因為那裡,記錄了太多太多的崩潰。 也許是連續多天加班後,又一次被領導推翻了所有方案。 也許是剛被公司通知裁員,又得知孩子中考失利,要交十幾萬擇校費。 也許是剛剛生下二胎,正手忙腳亂,一向能幹的婆婆卻中風癱瘓,日日要人照顧。 每一條都是欲哭無淚,每一句讀來都令人窒息。