Why Serious Players Get Overshadowed By Non-Serious Players
This might be the most frustrating feeling in basketball:You work harder and care more about the game than everyone else around you...But as soon as game time rolls around, you…
Technology, Politics, Businness, Entertainment
This might be the most frustrating feeling in basketball:You work harder and care more about the game than everyone else around you...But as soon as game time rolls around, you…
AZ Explorations Floor into a rotten hospital - somewhere in Germany Single shot, no HDR Dear friends, I wish you Happy Easter. Stay healthy and take care of you.
http://www.thevalue101.com/article.php?id=77324 120年前,倫敦發生了這樣一件事情。 土木工程師布斯,去參觀一個車廂除塵器的展覽。 展覽上,除塵器通過強力的氣流先將灰塵吹起來,然後把吹起來的灰塵進行壓縮,最後收入容器。 這種方法不僅不能把灰塵清理乾淨,且操作過於麻煩。 於是他開始思考更完美的解決方案,反复琢磨後,他產生了一個想法:“既然可以利用強力氣流把灰塵吹進容器,為什麼不改成直接吸入容器呢?” 就是這麼一個小小的變通,從吹風變成吸風,吸塵器就此誕生。 讚歎他高明的同時,不禁感慨,有些人之所以很厲害,是因為他們為人處世時比普通人多了某些特質。 而正因為這些特質,讓人與人之間有了“普通”和“厲害”的區別。 今天,有書君帶來了4個讓人變厲害的特質,幫助大家成為別人口中那個厲害的人。
不得不說,境界越高的人越容易看透別人的心思,就好像是一種直覺,對方的內心活動完全呈現在自己面前。 大部分達到這樣境界的人都是會心一笑,彷彿一切都在自己的意料之中。 但最厲害的觀人術則是:觀人先觀己。當一個人把自己的內心看透之後,他對萬事萬物的理解自然就變得通透許多。別人的心思更是能一眼看穿。
https://www.unz.com/freed/war-with-china-what-fun/ I’d Rather Be Ruled by Brain-Damaged Twelve-Year-Olds There is no limit to misjudgement. If the psychic curiosities in the Federal bunker start a war with China, or push Beijing…
There is no man that university corrupts not We can provide education for everyone, but we cannot offer everyone privilege. A conspiracy of Potemkin progressives and masochistic liberals have sold…
For a select few players, this will be the most important Deep Game talk we've ever released.For the rest, it will be too unbelievable to, well.. believe. But the fact…