“We Cannot Mince Words”: San Francisco Education Official Denounces Meritocracy As Racist
https://www.zerohedge.com/political/we-cannot-mince-words-san-francisco-education-official-denounces-meritocracy-racist Authored by Jonathan Turley, Alison Collins, the Vice President of the San Francisco Board of Education, has declared meritocracy to be racist even in the selection of students at…
http://www.thevalue101.com/article.php?id=73796&fbclid=IwAR0DHsoz2UGc3fchDaWkEq3M0bBGl0WAxqmhDihjTgaysZfwqY7nvFe4ye8 富在深山有遠親,窮在鬧市無人問。 楊絳先生曾說:“惟有身處卑微之時,最有機緣看到世態人情的真相。” 一個人生活越拮据、潦倒,越能深深感受到生活的惡意、人性的殘酷。 錢,是檢驗所有感情的試金石。 當你有錢的時候,你會發現整個世界對你都是和顏悅色的,每個人說話都很中聽; 但當你深陷谷底時,就會感受到世態炎涼,連一個願意伸手拉你一把的人都沒有。 司馬遷說得好:“ 天下熙熙,皆為利來;天下攘攘,皆為利往。” 當你有所成就的時候,身邊迎來送往,總是簇擁著不少人; 但在你無助的時候,就會發現身後空無一人,孤立無援。 富在深山有遠親,窮在鬧市無人問。
Las Plumas
Gareth Trefor LlompartLas PlumasChubut Argentina. LA MESETA NO ES ZONA DE SACRIFICIO, EL AGUA VALE MÁS QUE EL ORO.
Creator Of The Bond VIX: The Coming “Monetary Hurricane” Is A White Swan
https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/creator-bond-vix-coming-monetary-hurricane-white-swan By Harley Bassman, creator of the MOVE index, aka the “VIX for bonds” Much is written about the Black Swan, famously described by Nassim Taleb in his 2001 book,…
Protecting Your Capital During A War
https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/protecting-your-capital-during-war Authored by ‘Fritz’ via Asia Stock Report, Wars are one of the greatest destroyers of capital. In Barton Bigg’s book “Wealth, War & Wisdom”, he makes the case that…
http://www.rts36.com/article.php?id=73594&fbclid=IwAR0IFmlxJk5PHG1fVYGI_F76FGR6KewEIThAXvlPLMni5Jkf2Wqy2P6RU9E 俗話說:勤能補拙,笨鳥先飛。 再笨的鳥兒,如果能先飛一步,即使再慢,終有一天也會先一步達到成功的終點。 正如人一樣,擁有了勤奮兩字,就擁有了最好的底牌。
My Chinese friend was extremely flattered when she was mistaken by someone (an Asian) as a Korean. Does it mean they have similar beauty standard, but Korea is higher? Do many Chinese girls want to appear like Koreans?
Dante Wong I believe there might a small subset of Chinese girls who might want to “appear like Koreans”. In HK, there is a term for this.“偽韓妹” – Fake Korean…
http://www.thevalue101.com/article.php?id=73492&fbclid=IwAR3z3r8B6FplQpyIJplWvjfCOWMtMSI7T9pTHLek8DMrH7kj2W9s6mu4oc8 偶然在朋友圈裡看到這樣一個很有趣的公式: “人+山=仙,人+谷=俗。” 人啊,立於山巔,所見所聞便是萬里江山如畫、伸手可摘星辰;站在谷底,所思所想就是一畝三分薄田、二斤四兩糧酒。 偏偏,一個人目光所及之處,就是ta的格局。 所以往往,前者超然如仙,後者難以脫俗。 就像有人說的那樣:站在80樓往下眺看,皆是美景;立於2樓向下觀望,全是垃圾。 人生在世,比沒錢更可怕的,是沒格局。 你什麼格局,就什麼命。