Category: Literature


Maybe it’s time for you to go………… suggests the manager in a voice so levelit’s obviously an order. He’s staringat a man he should never have hired……………….. in the first…

Nabokov and Balthus: The Erotic Imagination By Jeffrey MeyersI   Despite their idiosyncratic characters, the close contemporaries Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977) and Balthazar (Balthus) Klossowski (1908-2001) had a surprisingly similar background, life, character, art and career. In…

What Is Stuttering? Amy Reardon at The Believer: No clear genetic origin has been found for stuttering, and neither have emotional origins like trauma been ruled out. Still there is no cure.…

An Open letter- Pour it out! An open letter to all the people who want to write but feel that they aren’t good at writing: Hellooo there! Swat away that Self-doubt fly buzzing in your…