http://www.thevalue101.com/article.php?id=40882 我們這一生,一路坎坷一路磨難,總會經歷什麼,讓我們從最初的涉世未深,到後來的看透人間冷暖。 有些人變了,並不是因為他們內心變得堅硬了,而是明白了許多事,也看透了許多情。
It’s Not Enough to Be Right—You Also Have to Be Kind
There is a story about Jeff Bezos from when he was a young boy. He was with his grandparents, both of whom were smokers. Bezos had recently heard an anti-smoking…
In The Wake Of Kobe Bryant’s Death, Kendrick Perkins Apologized To Kevin Durant
Remember when former teammates, Kendrick Perkins and Kevin Durant had a Twitter beef earlier this month, after Perkins criticized Durant for leaving the Oklahoma City Thunder to join the Golden…
http://www.themindset101.com/article.php?id=40306 前阿里CEO 衛哲說過一句話: 創業要招那些苦大仇深的人。 為什麼會這麼說? 衛哲在阿里的時候,大家都知道在阿里有一個中供鐵軍,這是一支強大的地推隊伍,這支隊伍怎麼起來的?其實跟苦大仇深這四個字有著很大的關係。 那時的阿里,包括剛進入到大家視野的互聯網,大家基本上對這個沒概念,你想想在這種情況下,去打造一支地推隊伍,讓商家入駐到阿里巴巴平台,可能嗎? 想必大家也都看過早期馬雲推銷中國黃頁的時候,被認為是傳銷,他在北京回去的路上,側臉望向車窗外說了一句: 再過幾年,北京就不會這麼對我;再過幾年,你們都知道我是乾什麼的。
http://www.thevalue101.com/article.php?id=39970 俗話說:活到老學到老,在做人、識人這方面,我們永遠有學不完的東西,人生也就像是一本錯題本,需要我們不斷的記錄自己的錯誤,糾正錯誤,然後才能成就自己,這個過程可能很枯燥漫長,但是卻值得我們每個人去踐行。 這個世界上,我們會接觸很多人,形形色色,有的真誠,有的虛偽,有的至死不渝,也有的忘恩負義,面對繁雜的世界,我們只保持自己有一顆良善的本心是不夠的; 俗話說:防人之心不可無。面對一些“心術不正”的人,我們要能夠識別出,才能消災減禍; 所以,有一位老僧說:“心術不正”的人,往往有這三個特徵,要敬而遠之;
There are two types of happiness—and we’re chasing the wrong one
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/eleven-habits-supremely-happy-people-dr-travis-bradberry/ We’re always chasing something—be it a promotion, a new car, or a significant other. This leads to the belief that, “When (blank) happens, I’ll finally be happy.” While these…
The economics of privacy
https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2019/06/the-economics-of-privacy.html Perhaps the biggest complaint about tech companies today is that they do not respect our privacy. They gather and store data on us, and in some cases, such as…
Should love be rational?
Why do you love me? Tell me the reasons. I love you because you are you. If I loved you for reasons then I wouldn’t love you, but the reasons.…