Category: Finance

This piece is proving to have legs We develop a framework to theoretically and empirically analyze the fluctuations of the aggregate stock market. Households allocate capital to institutions, which are fairly constrained, for example operating with…

人再落魄,也要捨得花以下4種錢,才能越花越富有 中國有句古話,一文錢難倒英雄漢,因此我們身邊最不缺的就是捨不得花錢的人。 可省來省去,辛辛苦苦的勞作,仍舊攢不下幾個錢;捨不得吃捨不得穿,日子倒是越過越拮据。 不得不說, 真正聰明的人都懂得愛自己,對一切都有清晰的規劃,捨得把錢投資到以下這四個地方:

How Factor Investing Works Why do investments perform the way they do? This is a question many investment experts have been attempting to answer for years. Luckily, factor investing can provide investors with…