http://www.thevalue101.com/article.php?id=54337 01 女人可以貌不出眾,可以平淡無奇,可以資質愚鈍,甚至可以沒多少氣質,但是不可以沒有教養。 有教養的女人,處世落落大方,不卑不亢,不張揚,不顯擺,似一株幽蘭,芬芳四溢而不自知。 有教養的女人善解人意,通達世情,不天真,不偏激,在任何突髮變故面前都能處變不驚。 有教養的女人,面對男人的追求,不盲目的驚慌,不虛榮的竊喜,懂得端莊之中辨真情,懂得怎樣用婉轉的措辭拒絕傾慕。 當男人決定離開的時候,即使無助的淚往心裡流,也不挽留,不癡纏,懂得緣盡而散。 放手,是給他一條出路,也是給自己留一條生路。
Human Trials of Plasma Exchange
Animal experiments demonstrating the anti-aging effects of exchanging young blood plasma for old have been prominent in the last two months. Several groups are saying it’s time to translate their…
Rod DREHER RAnn Coulter is pushing a brilliant campaign to compel Yale University to change its name: How about a bill withholding all federal funds from Yale University until it…
The Mathematician and the Mystic
David Guaspari in The New Atlantis: In The Weil Conjectures Karen Olsson presents her remarkable subjects as creatures from a fairy tale: “Once there were a brother and sister who…
What Are the Best Omega-3 Foods?
Here’s a list of the top 15 omega-3 foods (percentages based on 4,000 milligrams per day of total omega-3s): Mackerel: 6,982 milligrams in 1 cup cooked (174 precent DV) Salmon…
Being Fat Could Make You Stupid, Study Says
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-18/being-fat-could-make-you-stupid-study-says A new study published in the journal Frontiers in Endocrinology is warning that people consuming an additional 650 calories per day could develop impaired brain and cognitive functions. Australian…