T-Shaped People and Academia
https://bastian.rieck.me/blog/posts/2022/t/ Being on the lookout for recruiting new students for my new research group, I wanted to distil some of my observations into textual form. This post deals with my…
Technology, Politics, Businness, Entertainment
https://bastian.rieck.me/blog/posts/2022/t/ Being on the lookout for recruiting new students for my new research group, I wanted to distil some of my observations into textual form. This post deals with my…
https://slate.com/business/2021/07/masters-degrees-debt-loans-worth-it.html And elite universities deserve a huge share of the blame. By Jordan Weissmann July 16, 202112:57 PM Tweet Share Comment Last week, the Wall Street Journal published a troubling…
https://wuyuansheng.com/doc/美国北阿拉巴马硕士UNA- EMBA.pptx https://wuyuansheng.com/doc/法国布雷斯特商学院MBA.pdf 联系人:Yuri 电 话:18994443933 (微信同号) 地 址:苏州工业园区钟园路710号元联金融中心807室
http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.ed... "Richard Phillips Feynman (May 11, 1918 – February 15, 1988) was an American theoretical physicist known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory…
科学和人文两种文化,在中国谁更傲慢?两种文化分裂,会导致什么困境?著名科学史家、清华大学科学史系主任吴国盛教授接受人文清华专访,表示两种文化需要和解融通。 https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?origin=https%3A%2F%2Fmp.weixin.qq.com&chid=17&vid=z3129vqr3qb&autoplay=false&full=true&show1080p=false&isDebugIframe=false 哲学和科学互不来往,对双方不利 在亚里士多德时代,哲学和科学未分家,但经历了牛顿、笛卡尔革命以后,哲学和科学开始分野。 吴国盛教授表示,哲学和科学走的路不同。哲学所提供的思想的可能性是越多越好。而科学要求真,要跟事实对照,这个对照不是吹牛能吹的,得实打实地检验,科学走的是务实的道路和能够见效的道路,因此在现代世界发展中越来越重要,比如在现代大学中,科学的院系越来越多,而哲学的院系越缩越小。 当哲学逐渐萎缩时对现代科学的发展到底是利还是弊?吴国盛教授认为,哲学的萎缩是相对过去的辉煌而言,但是哲学在现代学科体系里还有位置之后“就有饭吃了”,不断产出一些人,所以哲学活动并未停止,哲学家比过去任何时候都多,相对比例是萎缩,但是绝对人数还是增多。现在主要的问题是科学和哲学分家,不来往,这对双方都不利。
There is no man that university corrupts not We can provide education for everyone, but we cannot offer everyone privilege. A conspiracy of Potemkin progressives and masochistic liberals have sold…
This is the 1st of 49 Barriers from ‘The 49 Barriers of Cultivating the Dao” (available here: https://purplecloudinstitute.com/our-books/)to be posted online in their entirety. The book also features extensive endnotes…
http://www.dailyfinland.fi/health/20374/Sleep-disorder-due-to-shift-work-affects-gene-function Long-term sleep deprivation is detrimental to health, increasing the risk of psychiatric and somatic disorders, such as depression and cardiovascular diseases, said the University of Helsinki in a press…