Why Lotus Silk Is So Expensive
Business Insider posted an episode of So Expensive. r1tS3ponrsohredtc · Lotus silk is one of the rarest fabrics in the world. Produced only in small scale across Cambodia, Myanmar, and…
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Business Insider posted an episode of So Expensive. r1tS3ponrsohredtc · Lotus silk is one of the rarest fabrics in the world. Produced only in small scale across Cambodia, Myanmar, and…
https://www.entrepreneurshipinabox.com/1608/competitive-advantage-strong/ Your competitive advantage must be something sustainable, something that would allow you to survive in a longer period of time. It must be recognized as the act, not only…
https://www.entrepreneurshipinabox.com/18902/how-to-determine-salary-range-for-your-employees/ Knowing how to determine salary range numbers for new and present employees can be a nightmare if you don’t know what you’re doing. After all, in a perfect world,…
Fear of starting a new business can terrify, especially if you need to give up something secure what you possess today, to start your business as something insecure and uncertain.…
https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/citibank-the-great-gold-robbery/ In its promotions in China, Citibank boasts of having been first established in China in 1902, testifying to its devotion to China by displaying a photo of some currency…
http://www.thevalue101.com/article.php?id=54485 猶太人四大富人思維:想經商賺錢成為富人,首先必須學會富人思維 猶太人是世界上最會經商的民族,也是世界上最富有的民族。猶太人口數量佔全球總人口的0.25%,卻掌控著全球三分之一的財富。有這樣一句話:全球財富在美國,美國的財富一半在猶太人手裡。 世界第一個億萬富豪洛克菲勒、金融鉅子摩根、鋼鐵大王卡內基、facebook創始人扎克伯格、投資大師索羅斯都是猶太裔。猶太人的財商為什麼如此出眾,本文著重分享的就是猶太民族的四大財富定律,希望對讀者朋友們提升財富智慧有一點點幫助。
http://www.thevalue101.com/article.php?id=47545&fbclid=IwAR3LlzstJkFNhFParV_lnej01N-NoPKRew_dwzmgFb1zPVOxW1fVAccZUg0 昨晚和媽聊天,她跟我講,同她一年創業的同行轉行了。 我說之前挺紅火的,怎麼說不干就不干呢?她說,這幾年去他那裡買磚的包工頭嫌給他的提成太少,好幾個都上咱們買磚來了。 老是賺的不想多拿出些,時間久了誰還領客戶去呢。 而且這幾年生意不像以前那麼好做了,競爭太激烈,再加上沒有籠絡住人心,結果他店裡生意越來越少,最後不得不轉行。 後來我想了想,媽給包工頭的利錢,從來分的讓他人說不出一個差字來,經常是虧的錢往自己肚子裡咽,熟人介紹的越來越多,20多年來生意一直不錯。 任正非曾說過“我只是一個形式上的管理者。如果一定要說有什麼貢獻的話,就是在分錢的問題上,我沒有犯大的錯誤。”在商業上走的長遠的,他們都不會把利己放在頭位。 左手利他,右手利己,你選擇的不同,結果大相徑庭。
https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2020/04/does-working-from-home-work.html Better than you might think. Here is a paper from a few years back, by Nicholas Bloom, James Liang, John Roberts, and Zhichun Jenny Ying: A rising share of…