I Am a Major Critic of the Liberal Government in Canada: I Fear My HK Chinese Husband, Disabled/Autistic, Eligible for Euthanasia by Eugenicists, May Have Been Killed in Vancouver BC

  • 2018 I was refused renewal of my Standard Canada Passport in Hong Kong, within 2-3 months of publishing a 2-part book criticizing Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
  • 2018 – 2024 Stranded in Hong Kong, I am still here, having spent over 1000 hours on the fight for citizenship, separated from Wong Kin Chung, Joseph, my mate and friend for over 20 years. We were married in October 2008 in Hong Kong.
  • Joseph has Asperger’s Syndrome and a MENSA level IQ, mathematical genius. I did not realize he was autistic at first, I knew his mind was different.  He can multiply huge sums quickly in his mind, 238 x 49 etc.
  • He is very filial and very close to his 2 aged parents, they died within months of one another, late 2022, and early June 2023. He has lived mostly with them for 50 years, THREE of them very dependent to take care of one another.  He was very good to me when my own father died in 2008, the year we married.
  • I urged him to return to Hong Kong, very worried as I know he does not like to be all alone for even ONE day. When together with me in Asia, he would become stressed if I was away at a health spa for a day, even if he was soon to leave to return to his parents’ home in Canada.  His dependence is marked.

My Chinese husband is not a STRAY DOG. I love him very much.  I have not heard from him since December 29 2023.  I applied for United Nations Non-Refoulement Protection under the United Nations Law on December 6 2023.  My articles on DISABLED people being killed in Canada, with healthy bodies, under the Pressurized Suicide Plan, were now out into the world.  Lawyers were being told of the cruelty.

I believe he may have been harmed due to my political problems. Joey felt suicidal on and off due to FILIAL devotion, he was in good health physically. He wanted to take an Electricians Course till June 2024, so as not to run through money quickly. And then come to be with me in Hong Kong. He had never lived alone.  If he called a Suicide Hotline, he may have killed VERY QUICKLY.  Please do not let this story fade away.  It is terribly painful for me.  I cannot let CANADA do this to a person I love very much. PLEASE stand with me.  Thank you and connect and share.

Ellie Wong, Linked In, DM me, Quan Yin5 Books, Hong Kong SAR.  March 18 2024.

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