2023/7/7 Media Digest Afternoon #crosspost
Uppark House A little piece of heaven – Part II How will artificial intelligence affect real interest rates? https://github.com/FuelLabs/sway
2023/7/7 Media Digest Morning #crosspost
Simone: Woman of the Century Dreamin’ Wild Brother Explore Exquisite Kimono Designs from 19th-Century Japan Stephen King on inflation targets Louisiana federal judge says “hands off” Takrar Evolution without accidents…
2023/7/16 Media Digest Night #crosspost
1500 environmental lobbyists are double-dealing with the fossil fuel industry Building and Testing PHP Microservices With Semaphore
2023/7/6 Media Digest Afternoon #crosspost
China’s Political Discourse May 2023: Multilateralism, Tang Dynasty Style *Regime Change* Threads, from Meta Argia nagusi mendian EXPLORE#1 The Surprising Bipartisanship of U.S. Foreign Policy
Ethereum moved to proof of stake. Why can’t Bitcoin?
https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/02/28/1069190/ethereum-moved-to-proof-of-stake-why-cant-bitcoin There is no technical obstacle to making the notoriously energy-hungry cryptocurrency far more efficient—just a social one. Last year, Ethereum went green. The second-most-popular crypto platform transitioned to proof…
2023/7/6 Media Digest Morning #crosspost
The Deadly Social Media Mistake: Why Your Follower Count Doesn’t Matter PKU-YuanGroup/ChatLaw GopeedLab/gopeed kafka-in-production apitable Threatening Mergers Bonfire Opera, Small Kindnesses and Omens On killing charles Dickens Small Fires: An…
Do the thing you can’t not do
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” – Franz Kafka In late 2014, I had coffee…
2023/7/5 Media Digest Night #crosspost
The Power of 10: Rules for Developing Safety-Critical Code Meet the Interns: Introducing Our Future Bosses