2023/5/23 Media Digest Morning #linkedin
EXPRESS: The Art of Slowness: Slow Motion Enhances Consumer Evaluations by Increasing Processing Fluency Podcast #897: Answers to the FAQ of Modern Etiquette Lost In Translation: In Praise Of Learning…
2023/5/22 Media Digest Evening #linkedin
The Parents Saying No to Smartphones Martin Amis (RIP) Explains Why American Populism Is a Con
2023/5/22 Media Digest Afternoon #linkedin
Research suggests prison accelerates the aging process and may be a factor in falling U.S. life expectancy Sugar, Slavery, and Capitalism: On Ulbe Bosma’s “The World of Sugar” A ship…
A ship in harbor is safe…
Christian Kortum …but that is not what ships are built for. Nymindegab, Jylland, Denmark
2023/5/22 Media Digest Morning #linkedin
Skill of the Week: Properly Lace Your Dress Shoes The Politics of Academic Research Kingsley Amis, The Art of Fiction Squeezed by the Shorts: Time to Ban Short Selling?
2023/5/21 Morning Digest Morning #linkedin
Is Multiculturalism an Oxymoron? On Martin Puchner’s “Culture” From War To Music *The Fall of the Turkish Model*
2023/5/20 Media Digest Afternoon #linkedin
My neighbors Pony…. is looking for a friend …. The Narrative Says America Went from a ‘White Supremacist’ Republic to a World of Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity, But Current America…
2023/5/20 Media Digest Morning #linkedin
Powerful Cure For Overthinking During Games Why colour is in the eye of the beholder What Johnny Depp Has Become Unmixed Blessing: crops that can be propagated indefinitely, without sex…
2023/5/19 Media Digest Evening #linkedin
South Korea’s Coming Era of Stagnation Can China Thread the Needle on Ukraine? The Palestinian Succession Crisis To Compete With China on Tech, America Needs to Fix Its Immigration System