Jondoe無名氏「迷失觀察日記」:在這個資訊爆炸的年代,我們常常被這社會的真假訊息搞得快要發瘋,已經無法分辨現實與夢境,出現病態、腦子不聽使喚的混亂……忽然之間,原來憂鬱、輕生這些事情,離我們一點也不遙遠……In today’s world, mass media causes an inability to tell the difference between fact and fiction, disinformation, and so on. On a regular basis, this causes a lot of psychological and physiological turmoil… nervousness… tension… eventually, everything appears to be an illusion… and you realize… have I gone insane? Am I ill? Or is this how depression feels? Is this what life is like? or is it all a dream? Caught in a landslide, no way out… the prospect of suicide looms… and death doesn’t seem too far away…歌詞:I hear whispers in the nightand they’re calling me to bedAnd I know when it’s rightyou still thinking it’s in my headBut I’m walking with the deadI’m talking to the deadI’m walking with the deadI’m talking to the deadI hear footsteps in the hallsand their voices slowly callingI see the shadows on the wallsand my heart is slowly fallingI’m walking with the deadI’m talking to the deadI’m walking with the deadI’m talking to the deadOh save my soulYou can’t save my soulYou can’t save my soul‘Cause I’m walking with the deadI’m talking to the deadI’m walking with the deadI’m talking to the dead「數位音樂平台」 :演唱 Vocals | Jondoe無名氏詞 Lyricist| Jondoe無名氏曲 Composer| Jondoe無名氏音樂製作:製作人 Producer|楊聲錚Zane Yang、許祐華Betsy Hsu編曲 Arranger| 許祐華Betsy Hsu配唱製作人Vocal Producer|楊聲錚Zane Yang電吉他Electric Guitar|楊聲錚Zane Yang爵士鼓Drumset |高飛 Adriano Moreira和聲編寫 Backing Vocals Arranger|Jondoe無名氏和聲演唱 Backing Vocals|Jondoe無名氏錄音師 Recording Engineer|楊聲錚Zane Yang錄音室Recording Studio|乘以三工作室x3 studio混音師 Mixing Engineer|楊聲錚Zane Yang混音室 Mixing Studio|乘以三工作室x3 studio母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer|楊聲錚Zane Yang母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio|乘以三工作室x3 studioOP|耀聲音樂Awesome MusicSP|Warner Chappell Music, Hong Kong Limited Taiwan Branch特別感謝 Special thanks: 羅依凡Instagram || || || #jondoe無名氏 #音樂人 #華語音樂 #疫情 #britishrock #原創音樂 #新加坡音樂 #台灣音樂 #樂團 #獨立樂團 #台灣樂團 #單曲 #original #隔離#迷失 #內向 #觀察者 #高敏感 #憂鬱 #孤獨患者 #失眠 #失眠夜 #失落 #迷惘 #恐懼 #焦慮 #恐慌 #社交障礙 #邊緣人 Post navigation Full Capacity – Other Side Until The Dust Settles – Dreamwoven