Why am I seeing this adorable red panda?
Every once in a while, something comes along that we can totally get behind. Disney and Pixar’s new movie, Turning Red, is one of those things. Check it out streaming March 11, on Disney+.
Disney+ subscription required. Additional terms apply (18+ to subscribe).
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Oh and here are a few ways Firefox can relate with Turning Red:
A mystical connection with red pandas (firefoxes)
Coming of age in early 2000s
Dealing with being different
Embracing your true self
Girls who love math
Boy bands
Being independent
Working fast
Preserving privacy
Breaking stereotypes
Wearing glasses
Standing out in a crowd
Canada/Toronto love
Chinese culture love
Strong emotional reactions
General disdain of dodgeball
Strong female leaders
Dealing with bullies
Embracing origins
Wearing hand knits
Living w/ anxiety
Concern for environment
Saving whales
Reading books
Finding a positive outlook
Pro friendship bracelets
Asian protagonists
Defying expectations