What Has COVID Done to Our Romantic Relationships?
https://lithub.com/what-has-covid-done-to-our-romantic-relationships Laura Kipnis on Isolation, Intimacy, and Knowing One’s Partner If you’re reading this you recently survived a massive worldwide extinction event, congratulations. Too many didn’t. Have a nice big…
https://www.xinjingjj.com/fxxw/63633.html 佛祖拈花,为何只有迦叶微笑? 一天,在灵山会上,大梵天王以金色菠萝花献佛,并请佛说法。可是,释迦牟尼如来佛祖一言不发,只是用拈菠萝花遍示大众,从容不迫,意态安详。当时,会中所有的人和神都不能领会佛祖的意思,唯有佛的大弟子摩诃迦叶尊者妙悟其意。破言为笑。于是,释迦牟尼将花交给迦叶,嘱告他说:吾有正法眼藏,涅椠秒心,实相无相,微妙法门,不立文字,教外别转之旨,以心印心之法传给你。 释迦牟尼佛祖在大庭广众之下,像这样一言不发,只是带在和他那不动生色的微笑,从容不迫,宁静安详,其中微妙究竟何在?
https://www.businessweekly.com.tw/management/blog/3009063 摘要 變革管理客座教授-前王品集團副董事長兼總經理、現為成真咖啡董事長王國雄,分享一個企業要如何建立「人才池」,好讓自己的人才源源不絕。 學員問(以下簡稱問):想請教您當時在王品做內部創業,有遇到什麼樣的難題呢? 王國雄答(以下簡稱答):有時候內部還是會挑不到人,這時候你還要有第二個機制就是外聘,兩步一起來。外聘有一個好處,就是我們找外面已經在餐飲業裡頭當過總經理、或者代理一些新品牌的創業者、或者是從國外引進的,這種進到公司就會發生鯰魚效應。 一個公司如果全部都是近親繁殖,最後會一代不如一代。如果有外部人才,內部人才就知道說我不是只靠你們。透過這樣交叉運用,會就得到一個好效果。外部人才要培養,不能在需要的時候才急忙找一個,這樣失敗率會很高。當你越急,越不能找到對的人,跟談房租一樣:你如果一定要這個地點,保證你談的是高價;如果你可有可無,你會談到好價錢。所以一樣的道理,就是用儲備的概念去建人才池,人才池裡頭有內池、有外池,這樣就能保持良性競爭,永遠有好的人才可以挑。
Three Trees
David Swindler As a photographer, I find myself gravitating more towards minimalism in my style. Yes, I still love the grand, intricate landscape. But there is something almost more gratifying…
Joel Coen’s “The Tragedy of Macbeth”, Reviewed by Ethan Coen
https://3quarksdaily.com/3quarksdaily/2022/02/joel-coens-the-tragedy-of-macbeth-reviewed-by-ethan-coen.html In The Tragedy of Macbeth, long-time Hollywood presence Joel Coen — who has 18 prior filmsto his credit — takes sole creative control of a project for the first…
The Color Fetish
https://3quarksdaily.com/3quarksdaily/2022/02/the-color-fetish.html Tony Morrison in The New Yorker: Of constant fascination for me are the ways in which literature employs skin color to reveal character or drive narrative—especially if the fictional…
Slow sex, long life
https://aeon.co/essays/lovemaking-for-longevity-a-recipe-from-tokyos-imperial-archives?utm_source=rss-feed Tokyo’s imperial archives advise what science now confirms: the secret of longevity lies in the gentle arts of the bedroom For more than 1,000 years, the Imperial Family of…
They Don’t Just Lie to Us About Wars. They Lie to Us About Everything
By Caitlin JOHNSTONE Propaganda isn’t just about manufacturing consent for wars and ridiculous governmental measures we’d never normally accept. That’s what most people think of when they hear that word,…