Research on the Best Wah Pedal
Dear Editor, My name is Jenn and I’m an Editor at Happy DIY Home. I was doing research on the best wah pedal and just finished reading your wonderful piece:…
Technology, Politics, Businness, Entertainment
Dear Editor, My name is Jenn and I’m an Editor at Happy DIY Home. I was doing research on the best wah pedal and just finished reading your wonderful piece:… A large-scale study found that well-being predicts outstanding job performance. The Research The researchers followed nearly 1 million U.S. Army service members for five years, measuring their relative happiness…
相思河 Missing By the Riverside 昨夜你对我一笑 Smile At Me Last Night 多少柔情多少泪 Summer Kisses Winter Tears 江春水向東流 Yangtze River Flow to The East 人生就是戲 Life is Like Drama 明月千里寄相思 The… by Chris Horner Equality v Equity How should society go about the business of redistributing resources? Many people will be acquainted with the image featured at the top of… 人生要有大格局,才有高目標,有高目標才會產生更大動力,推動自己,向上提升發展。人因不惜而散,心因不真而涼,一瞬間轟然崩塌!你給我珍惜,我還你值得,你給我距離,我還你分寸!你對我不離不棄,我用珍相陪,人與人之間最珍貴是互相尊重。人生很短,餘生不長,生活中和真誠善良人相處,值得珍惜,互補相伴。2022.02.21 Reaching 95%-ile isn’t very impressive because it’s not that hard to do. I think this is one of my most ridiculable ideas. It doesn’t help that, when stated nakedly,…
明遊快 ♨ Yes, I think Japan is a closed country. 《情緒人人有,發出來的是本能,壓的下去是本事》 如果人淪為情緒的奴隸,那麼注定會命運多舛「不順利、困厄」。只有時時注意控制自己情緒的人,才能主宰著自己的命運之舟而不至於翻覆。而善於掌控自己情緒的人,才是真正有本事的人,只有控制自己情緒的人,才能控制自己的命運。 1 詩曰:“不識廬山真面目,只緣身在此山中。” 每個人都喜歡把自己當成主角,還期待別人圍著自己轉。只有那些隨時保持理智的人,才會當好旁觀者,有自知之明。 人無完人。每個人都有缺點,一旦缺點被放大了,就是人性的漏洞。 那些厲害的人,不僅會看清自己,還能夠看透人與人之間的關係,利用人性的漏洞,做成自己的事情。