Pete Rowbottom, Wigan, UK I haven’t uploaded anything for a little while due to being really busy, however I do have some stuff to post coming soon so that will change.This is a different viewpoint of the splendidly majestic Dom Luís I Bridge, or Luís I Bridge in Porto, it spans the River Douro and links the City of Porto with Vila Nova de Gaia. Although I’ve been here many times I’d not really got any shots of this that I was happy with and for some reason I’d never shot it at night, so this trip that was high on the agenda.I spent a good bit of time up here this night watching the metro trams go by over the bridge and did get them with light trails streaking right across but upon getting back I found that I actually preferred the shots without those in.This is a 3 shot panorama to allow you to see the curvature of the river going off into the distance towards the Atlantic Ocean. Have a zoom in and have a look around.My website has recently been fully refurbished, and can be found by clicking below.Pete Rowbottom, 1 to 1 Tuition and Workshops available again now restrictions have now been eased here the UK, message me for details Post navigation shrouded in clouds Lauren