S&P is partnering with Twitter to create a new index series that will track company sentiment — as told through tweets.
Finding meaning in your Twitter feed’s trove of snark and deep thoughts about public companies is hard. S&P Global is here to help.
Driving the news: S&P is partnering with Twitter to create a new index series that will track company sentiment — as told through tweets.
Why it matters: If you’ve ever wondered whether Twitter matters, now the king of indices is telling us it really does.
Details: The S&P 500 Twitter Sentiment Index Series, based on the classic S&P 500 Index, will apply a sentiment scoring model to bullish and bearish tweets containing Twitter “$cashtags” (those are Twitter tags of stock ticker symbols).
How it works: One index will measure the market-cap-weighted performance of 200 of the S&P 500 constituents with the highest sentiment scores.
- Another will measure the equal-weighted performance of 50 of the constituents with the highest scores.
Go deeper: The indices will analyze tweets in real time. Filters will be applied, to screen out spam tweets (sorry, Twitter trolls).
The bottom line: This is Fintwits’ biggest endorsement to date.