Why Does Bitcoin Have Value?
Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The American Institute for Economic Research, Even after eleven years experience, and a per Bitcoin price of nearly $20,000, the incredulous are still with us.…
Technology, Politics, Businness, Entertainment
Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The American Institute for Economic Research, Even after eleven years experience, and a per Bitcoin price of nearly $20,000, the incredulous are still with us.…
物理學上存在萬有引力定律,即自然界任何兩個物體,都是存在相互吸引的。 人與人之間,也不例外。 朗達·拜恩在《力量》中寫道: “每個人身邊都有一個磁場環繞,無論你在何處,磁場都會跟著你,而你的磁場也吸引著磁場相同的人和事。” 你有什麼樣的磁場,就會過什麼樣的人生。
http://www.thevalue101.com/article.php?id=67306 古語說:“水至清則無魚,人至清則無朋。”人活著,如果什麼事都要爭,爭到最後,反而什麼都得不到。爭的是理,輸的是情,傷的是人。人和天爭,不自量力;人和人爭,負重難行。所以,不爭,才是人生最大的智慧。
8) Thе Bеar Hug: Thе bеar hug is also known as thе dеadlock hug. Thе tight squееzе is fillеd b with еmotions that scrеam “I’ll nеvеr lеt go.” This typе…
https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2018-01-15/no-one-wants-your-used-clothes-anymore A once-virtuous cycle is breaking down. What now? For decades, the donation bin has offered consumers in rich countries a guilt-free way to unload their old clothing. In a…
Adam Garfinkle Thoughtful Americans are realizing that the pervasive IT-revolution devices upon which we are increasingly dependent are affecting our society and culture in significant but as yet uncertain ways.…
學者張宏杰在《曾國藩的正面和側面》中說: “曾國藩之於後人的最大意義是:他以自己的實踐證明,一個中人,通過陶冶變化,可以成為超人。” 其實,曾國藩的人生精進之路,離不開一個“戒”字。 讀懂了曾國藩這“四戒”,我們亦能受益終身。