http://www.thevalue101.com/article.php?id=65592 記得楊瀾曾問周國平: “為什麼我們都把好脾氣留給外人,卻把壞脾氣留給最愛的人?” 周國平無奈地笑著說道: “這個錯誤,我也常常犯。” 看起來像個悖論,但在現實中卻頻繁發生:
This Is Why Our Leaders Should Be Stoic
It was a dark time for the Republic. Institutions had stopped working. Interminable foreign wars dragged on. Norms—the old way of doing things—seemed to have broken down. There had been…
http://www.thevalue101.com/article.php?id=65563 最近看文章的時候,看到這樣一個事情。 有個負責公司招聘的負責人,有一次在做一個面試的時候,他看到面試者的簡歷,寫的很潦草。寫的也都是一些表面上的一些經歷,有用的信息很少。 等他見到面試對象之後,於是就問對方有什麼特長。這個面試的人,就說自己最大的特點,是特別能吃苦的。 在這件事情之後,這位招聘的負責人就這樣感慨說,不少人對吃苦這件事的理解上,真的是有誤會的地方。
22 rules to follow to become professional developer
https://dev.to/kedzierskidawid/23-rules-to-follow-to-become-professional-developer-2di6 Inspired by The Clean Coder of Robert C. Martin. 1. Being professional means being responsible. Non-professionals leave responsibility for the job they do to their managers. Professionals take responsibility,…