Shanghainese English
This 10-year-old girl knows Shanghainese English best! From "qiang si" (chance) to "cha tou" (taxi), find out what words in the Shanghai dialect originated from English:
Technology, Politics, Businness, Entertainment
This 10-year-old girl knows Shanghainese English best! From "qiang si" (chance) to "cha tou" (taxi), find out what words in the Shanghai dialect originated from English:
Billy waited in anticipation for his birthday presents. Sure, his birthday rocked, but he really wanted to open his presents now. He watched the magician’s show waiting for the time…
L A L U N A – R I S E S A T M I D N I G H T ⠀⠀I hope you enjoy this brand new song…
巴蜀风物志2小时前看到这个标题,你可能会怀疑人生:平时对四川话的印象,说好听点叫“接地气”,不好听就叫“土”、“俗”,居然还能和古代典籍挂上钩? 其实,有这种印象,很大程度上是因为对四川话了解不够。虽然我们天天都在说四川话,但对于一些司空见惯的词语、用法,却未必能够刨根问底、追本溯源,所以也不知道很多四川人口中的“土话”,居然都来自古代典籍。 不信?下面我就举几个出自古代典籍的四川话常用词作为例子: 在生活中,我們時常把很多東西都看得太重,感情、事物、名利、地位、成功…… 卻不知道,越在乎身外之物,越會讓自己內心產生痛苦。 正所謂,人重累人,心重累心。 人這輩子,千萬別把一切看得太重。 人輕鬆了,心清空了,生活才會安然自在。 如您喜歡|請搜索淨物 常聽老人家說:“人生不如意事十之八九,常想一二,”這是對不懂人性的人說的話,真正懂人性的人90%的事都在自己的掌控當中,只有10%是天意。