Mysterious RSS memory spike Hey Gophers,I’m puzzled by a mysterious RSS memory spike in my Go program, when all memory allocations are happening via Cgo. I assert that there are no memory leaks…
Why so much scoring in the bubble? Toronto just beat Brooklyn 150-122, and an ESPN headline for another game reads “Mitchell’s 51 upstage Murray’s 50 in classic duel.” Toronto is also a team with a sometimes…
我知道你也很累了,所以抱抱你呀 已經好久沒有更新文章了,後台收到了粉絲朋友的來信,很感謝你們在我消失的這幾個月裡面還記得我。我把你們的私信都看了一遍了,真的很感謝在不開心的時候還有你們陪在身邊。其中一個粉絲說,她最近很焦慮,很難受,總是覺得是不是自己做什麼都不對,做什麼都不好。 其實我想告訴大家的是:你已經做得很好了,別聽別人瞎扯。要活得溫柔,要對得起你說的每一句話,過你希望的生活,不要質疑你的能力,不要放棄你的愛,你要加油。
Psychology Explains Why Humans Like Judging Others
Are you a critical person? Do you like to find fault in others that stand out from the crowd or dare to be different? You may not believe yourself to…