How to Use (or Not Use) a Hyphen
Mary Norris in The New Yorker: Among the many books about punctuation, precious few are devoted to a single mark. There’s “On the Dot,” by the Brothers Humez, which celebrates…
Technology, Politics, Businness, Entertainment
Mary Norris in The New Yorker: Among the many books about punctuation, precious few are devoted to a single mark. There’s “On the Dot,” by the Brothers Humez, which celebrates…
遇事最忌牢骚语,作难怨恨奈何谁。祸福相倚看智慧,运命互搏能力为。佛说人生如苦海,自渡自赎彼岸逮。矢言解放全人类,光阴瞬间不可追。 壬寅四月初三日·云山樵
Tanja Milovančević
「一」之用 :一忍可以擋百勇 , 一靜可以制百動 ;一勤可以成百業 , 一善可以消百惡。處事禪心 :橫逆來時 , 要能不怨不尤 ;病苦來時 , 要能不驚不怖 ;譏謗來時 , 要能不辯不苦 ;榮寵來時 ,要能不驕不慢。高尚的人品 :勿因窮苦而變節 , 勿因貧賤而易志;勿因艱苦而放棄 , 勿因困難而回頭。
Embarking on a road trip destined for a deserted strip of land on India’s southern coastline had never been on our radar. Neither had we imagined making such a trip…
by Michael Abraham Take a star of anise and a pinch of lavender in either hand. Hold these to the chest and whisper out a little prayer. Splash clean water…
by Thomas R. Wells The argument in brief: 1. Romantic love hijacks our desires and practical reasoning 2. If your desires and practical reasoning are hijacked your decisions aren’t authentically… Love is a practical matter. It is the most practical matter. If we do not love, if we do not let love condition our actual behavior, both expressive and…