善之大小 一般人認為,罵人打人是惡,敬人禮人是善;貪財妄取是惡,廉潔操守是善。其實未必如此啊。凡是有益於人的是善;只利於己的是惡。有益於人,就是罵人打人都是善的;只利於己,就是敬人禮人都是惡的。所以我們行善,善又分大善小善的不同。起心動念為自己一身或一家打算的,善多,也是小善;凡事存心為國家百姓著想的,善少,也是大功德,大善。善之大小,不在事項上,而在用心,心量大則福大,所以我們每一個人都應該學習,怎樣用心才是啊! 善之是非 善之是非,何謂善?凡是有益於人的是善,只利於己的是惡,有益於人,就是罵人打人都是善的,只利於己,就是敬人禮人都是惡的,一切都需要精研明辨,才不會把善惡是非顛倒,才能做到真實的自利利人。
An email I sent on negative nominal interest rates
https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2019/08/an-email-i-sent-on-negative-nominal-interest-rates.html Some of the negative nominal premium comes from the fact that you need these govt. securities for collateral, REPOs, clearinghouse margin, etc. That doesn’t explain the change, but this…
Are Recessions Inevitable?
http://www.unz.com/rpaul/are-recessions-inevitable/ Stocks fell last week following news that the yield curve on Treasury notes had inverted. This means that a short-term Treasury note was paying higher interest rates than long-term…
Why we like what we like: A scientist’s surprising findings
https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/08/why-we-like-what-we-like-a-scientists-surprising-findings/ Your genes, your germs, and your environment all may influence your tastes in food—as well as partners and politics. There may be nothing more self-defining than our tastes. Whether…
The man who gave us brainstorming meetings did his best thinking alone
https://qz.com/work/1675944/the-man-who-invented-brainstorming-did-his-creative-thinking-alone/ Some companies have a serious addiction to brainstorming. Whenever a problem arises, the team is called to gather and shout out possible solutions, with at least one notetaker scrambling…
What Are the Best Omega-3 Foods?
Here’s a list of the top 15 omega-3 foods (percentages based on 4,000 milligrams per day of total omega-3s): Mackerel: 6,982 milligrams in 1 cup cooked (174 precent DV) Salmon…